Martyred in Palestine

I write to explain the issues that continue cycling in my head. Today 9 Palestinians were brutally murdered, and I seem to have a hard time in igniting a spark where people will show attention to the issue at hand. It may be naïve and arrogant of me to refuse that my people’s value is lesser, unworthy, and only measurable for impunity when the death toll exceeds that of the previous massacres.

The repetition of events in Jenin and Nablus is a sign that the oppressor is nervous, it is a testament to the ability of the local Palestinians to resist in holding their stance against the might of Israel regardless to the screams of death that ring around the night during the daily 3 am raids. Nablus, a city I can speak on with extent, holds a special bond with its armed youth – their names and faces are well acknowledged and held to the standards of champions. Champion status is automatically given to those who face the occupation with the tools of the oppressor. What is more interesting and worthy for us to ponder on is how Martyrdom in Nablus is now becoming a state to achieve, a quote-on-quote nirvana that symbolizes a push against the struggle and an infiltration of the Israeli psychological warfare.

To be martyred is to spark fight within your immediate community against the Zionist, it provides ammunition for your family and friends to always remember that occupation will never be sustainable or livable, regardless of the privilege it provides to the elites within your community.


Dehumanizing the Native Through Media Narratives