Blog Posts

Dissenting for Gaza?
Layth Malhis Layth Malhis

Dissenting for Gaza?

Does genocide merit public dissent? Can the support for systematic rape, and calls for its increase, be obstructed by mere colloquial objection? Will the eradication of an entire people along with centuries-old roots be matched with civil, mannered disagreement?

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UofT Encampment: A Testimony of Love For Palestine
Layth Malhis Layth Malhis

UofT Encampment: A Testimony of Love For Palestine

With the flames of justice blazing in their eyes, these brave students erected the long-awaited encampment, a symbolic bastion aimed to call out and put pressure on their university to disclose and divest their financial and academic ties with the entity responsible for the displacement and destruction of Historic Palestine.

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Silent Complicity: An Award Acceptance Speech at Queen's University
Layth Malhis Layth Malhis

Silent Complicity: An Award Acceptance Speech at Queen's University

The following is a speech delivered on my behalf at the Queen’s Alma Mater Society (AMS) Awards Gala for the “The Advocacy in Equity” Award. The Award “celebrates students who demonstrate bravery and/or speak the truth as they challenge narratives and defend the rights of humans, non-human animals, and/or the environment”. I opted to skip out on an event that celebrates student achievement as in my eyes nothing was achieved.

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Empty, and dead. But Awake
Layth Malhis Layth Malhis

Empty, and dead. But Awake

I've become a spectator in my own life, observing the tragedies unfold without the emotional response that once fueled my activism. The flame of passion has flickered out, leaving behind the cold ashes of resignation. And as I stand here, a living corpse, I find solace in the acceptance of my own internal demise because it grants me a peculiar kind of freedom. A freedom that unshackles the burden of hope that was, in truth, a heavy anchor pulling me down. This freedom gives Palestinians the space to reimagine a path for liberation that is not reliant on anyone other than Palestine.

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Mapping The Zionist State: Colonial Cartographic Practice in the 20th century
Layth Malhis Layth Malhis

Mapping The Zionist State: Colonial Cartographic Practice in the 20th century

The Zionist project has fundamentally altered the essence of the region, reshaping its perception and collective memory. Essential to this analysis is the role of critical cartography, spotlighting how our prevailing epistemological framework—shaped by overarching colonial structures—further informs our pursuit of liberation. Studying cartography can expose how dominant epistemologies are crafted and manipulated, underscoring their entwinement with prevailing colonial paradigms.

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Resisting Necropolitics: The Art of Death in Palestinian Resistance
Layth Malhis Layth Malhis

Resisting Necropolitics: The Art of Death in Palestinian Resistance

We can see the spirit of martyrdom is evident in the celebratory nature that takes hold in the funeral precessions. Death in Palestine is mythicized to ensure it is mourned as a moment free from sorrow, a way to celebrate death as a sacred wedding ceremony, where the departed soul is forever betrothed to the land.

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